About Joseph G. Assad

  • As a former U.S. Government official, Joseph worked on some of the most complex and protracted international security issues in the world. His operational expertise is rare in that it combines intelligence, advocacy, and diplomacy—resulting in a powerful ability to get things done in the most challenging and bureaucratic of environments.

  • Joseph’s unique understanding of the Middle East, Africa and Europe along with his multilingual skills enable him to operate in difficult environments, bridge cultural gaps, and solve complex problems.

  • Joseph has served in various capacities as a human rights advocate. He was the Middle East Research Director for Freedom House; He served as an undercover investigator for an International Justice Mission project to identify and liberate trafficked girls and women in India; He testified before the UN Human Rights Commission as well as the U.S. Congress on worldwide democratic, civil and religious rights; and helped relocate Iraqi Christians persecuted by ISIS. He continues his advocacy on behalf of the disenfranchised and looks for ways to support human rights, religious freedom, and safety for threatened communities

a family legacy

‘My family’s legacy is centered around service to others. My parents dedicated their entire lives to a ministry to orphans and widows via one of the oldest charities in the Middle East. They also operated leadership training institutions for church and religious leaders throughout the region. Following in their footsteps, I continue to look for ways to help others and make an impact in the world.’


استرح في النعمه

“Istarih Fi al-Ni’amah”

Joseph’s parents served together as directors of a large orphanage (750 children, widows and handicapped) in Egypt for nearly half a decade. After the loss of his father in 2011, both Joseph and his mother were devastated. Joseph had a very close relationship with his father; he was his friend, confidant and spiritual guide. When Joseph’s mother was unable to utter words of comfort, she handed him a scrap of paper with an inscription in Arabic: “Istarih Fi al-Ni’amah,” roughly translated, “rest in grace.” To rest in God’s grace at times of trouble and uncertainty is often difficult but inevitable. There are situations in life that cannot be controlled and must be turned over to a higher power to get through them. Joseph often remembers him mother’s ‘Istarih Fi al-Ni’amah’ when he is facing adversity or a situation that he feels is too much to handle.